Coffee and Specialty Coffee
High quality green coffee beans roasted by professional artisan who – thanks to their experience- are able to extract all the incredible aromatic potential of each origin. It’s referred to a particular botanic variety in an unique part of the world. To be considered Specialty, the coffee during the harvest and the selection, must have the highest degree of selection and care, to guarantee its quality. It is a flawless coffee with its own unique personality.

Arabica and Robusta
To date, more than 120 different species of Coffee have been identified around the World. The two best know species are: Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora (i.e. Robusta)

There are many varieties of Coffee plants. Some of them are natural mutations and other the result of cross-breeding. Some varieties have explicit taste characteristics from the terroir in which they are grown, the way they are cultivated and the way they are processed after harvest.

This is considered the original variety from which all other have mutated or been genetically selected. The fruit is usually red and Typica is capable of producing excellent cup quality, thought with a relatively small yield compared to other varieties. It’s still grown extensively in many different parts Of the world and is know by several different names as: “Criollo, Sumatra and Arabigo“
This was a natural mutation of Typica, which occurred on the island of Réunion (at the time called ‘Bourbon’). The yield is higher than that of Typica. The fruit is red, yellow and occasionally orange. The variety was grown very widely in the past but in many producing countries it was replaced by higher-yielding varieties.
A natural hybrid of Typica and Bourbon, this variety was named after the place in Brazil where it was discovered in the 1940s. it is grown for its relatively high yield, strength and disease resistance, and also for its success at altitudes of around 1.000-2.000 m, which are common in Brazil.
This is a mutation of Bourbon, discovered in Brazil in 1937. Its yields are relatively high, though it has the capacity for overbearing, where the tree produces more fruit than it can sustain and succumbs to die-back. However, good farm management can avoid the situation. The variety has been especially popular in Columbia and Central America. There are both yellow and red fruit and its a low growing variety, so they are easier to pick by hand.
This is a hybrid between Caturra and Mundo Novo created by the Instituto Agronomico do Campinas in Brazil in the 1950s and 1960s. It was selected as it combined the dwarf characteristics of Caturra with the yield and strength of Mundo Novo. The fruit are red and yellow.
One of the more easily recognized varieties. Is a mutation of Typica, first discovered in Brazil. It is notable, and often considered desirable, due to the unusually large size of its beans. The tree also has exceptionally large leaves but a relatively low yield. This coffee is often referred to as ‘Elephant’ or ‘Elephant bean’ coffee due to its size. The fruits usually ripen red.
Is also called ‘Gesha’, as the town in western Ethiopia and, while the variety was brought to Panama from Costa Rica, it is believed to be Ethiopian in origin. The variety is considered to produce exceptionally aromatic/floral cups, and the demand for it has driven up prices in recent years.
Is a natural mutation of Bourbon, discovered in El Salvador in 1949 by the Pacas family. It has red fruits and its low-growing habit makes picking easy. Its cup quality is considered similar to Bourbon, and is therefore desiderable.
This is a cross between the Pacas and Maragogype varieties, created in El Salvador in 1958. Like Maragogype it has large leaves, fruits and coffee beans. It also has distinct cup characteristics that can be positively described. It can taste like chocolate and fruit, but it also has the capacity for unpleasantly herbal, onion-like cups. The fruits ripen red

Coffee is processed after harvest and how it is done can affect dramatically on the resulting cup, so it has become an increasingly important part of how it is described and sold. The scope of processing for most is to make the coffee as profitable as possible and this is taken winto account when a producer choose which processing method to use. Some processes require more investment, natural and human effort.