Who we are

and… HERE WE ARE! Loris and Michele!

Loris Buffon:I love coffee because enhance human creativity“. He works for a private company and have two passions: sustainability and coffee. The first is a guide applied both personally and professionally; the second, a vector that embraces his believes: relationship, environment and creativity.

Michele Marmino: “Coffee is the perfect way to start a connection“. He loves to connect people and stimulate networking. As he is a freelance, he is committed to promote Public Relations, communication and interaction in particular in the Coffee and Wine’s sector.

Loris and Michele have been friends for a long time

Our Vision

Create a society where people cultivate and spread their passions with enthusiasm, leading society itself and communities to improve.

Our Mission

Spreading the specialty coffee culture while respecting communities and the environment.

Why we do what we do

We would like to give our contribution, trying to share knowledge, best practise through the community and promoting the consumption of Specialty Coffee -which differently from the commodity or traditional coffee – is able to divide revenues equally throughout the whole supply chain. Via our e-commerce, we want to make the best coffee available for all people, so that they can take it to their homes, drink it, enjoy it and surprise their family members and friends.

We launched The Blend Post as a Coffee project addressed not only to Coffee lovers but also to whom is thinking the Coffee is a real social connector. After just one year, maintaining the vision we transformed the project into a more structured company. After having opened a Specialty Cafè on the Lake Maggiore (the first serving only Specialty Coffee references), we participated to some event such sport and eno-gastronimic. We were driven by the aim and intention of making the Specialty Coffee know, but also the need to leave our mark. For this, we introduced Experanto, the first Specialty Coffee conceived and dedicated to the Lake Maggiore.

We are aware of the enormous impact that most human activities cause to the World. The development of some societies and enterprises involves the exploitation of resources and the degeneration of human capital in some other (usually underdeveloped) countries. Coffee is part of human tradition, is a universal good which supports men and women throughout the day.

Coffee has more than one scope: a break during the working day, an excuse to meet other people in a Cafè, a substance needed to reveal the brain and for idea’s stimulation; last but not least, coffee is the product and scope of some coffee farms. Because coffee is one of the most consumed good, a lot of businesses are involved in the entire chain and some of them reach to find green beans looking at the lowest price, to increase revenues. This approach makes the coffee farm’s life particularly difficult and all the chain unsustainable for all aspects (financial, environmental, human, etc.).

Almost all the coffees you find on the platform have been selected by us following a direct contact.

We tasted these great coffees together with the roaster and the producer.